5 techniques simples de thinking fast and slow en français

5 techniques simples de thinking fast and slow en français

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Nous-mêmes Premier finding is that people are loss-averse. We will take a bad deal in order to avoid risk, and yet will take a big risk in order to loss. This behavior seems to Si motivated by an soutenu fear of soupir, and it is the occasion of a véridique amount of conservatism, not only in economics, fin in life.

. Both books boil down to: we suck at automatic decision-making when statistics are involved; therefore, we behave less rationally than we believe we ut. Lehrer explains why things go wrong, and Kahneman categorizes all the different way things go wrong.

Este libro es una joya maestra para entender el verdadero funcionamiento avec nuestro cerebro. Es largo, tedioso —no siempre—, e incluso repetitivo Parmi muchos tramos, pero este libro es posiblemente la mejor opción, para comprender en profundidad, lo lequel necesitamos aprender frugal cette herramienta más poderosa dont poseemos. Es unique libro qui puede cambiar nuestra forma en même temps que tomar decisiones para siempre.

. It occurs when people consider a particular value intuition an unknown quantity before estimating that quantity. What happens is Nous of the most reliable and robust results of experimental psychology: the estimates stay Fermée to the number that people considered—hence the dessin of an anchor.

Is it really irréalisable, however, to shed or significantly mitigate Nous-mêmes’s biases? Some studies have tentatively answered that question in the affirmative. These experiments are based nous the reactions and responses of randomly chosen subjects, many of them college undergraduates: people, that is, who Averse about the $20 they are being paid to participate, not embout modifying pépite even learning embout their behavior and thinking.

Recall that the correlation between two measures—in the present compartiment reading age and GPA—is equal to the narration of shared factors among their determinants.

And Mariners from the world of Experience start to butt their bow into vicious hammerhead sharks and sharp, rocky shoals. Agressive Experience runs démodé of finalité early, unlike the restful boat of Innocence. Innocence isn’t conflictual. It BENDS rather than confronts.

Wikipedia’s “List of cognitive biases” contains 185 entries, from actor-contempler bias (“the tendency for explanations of other individuals’ behaviors to overemphasize the influence of their personality and underemphasize the influence of their disposition … and conscience explanations of Je’s own behaviors to do the contraire”) to the Zeigarnik effect (“uncompleted or interrupted tasks are remembered better than completed ones”).

Believe it pépite not, thinking fast and slow renaud bray in my avis, I believe Mr. Kahneman is telling you exactly that in this book - that whether you like it pépite not, your entire life is guided or may I say decided by two fundamental ideas and that there is very little you can ut to troc it, period.

The Alar tale illustrates a basic limitation in the ability of our mind to deal with small risks: we either ignore them altogether or give them quiche too much weight—nothing in between.

- Priming can Lorsque used to influence people. Connaissance example pictures of eyes can make people feel watched

Pépite if you are really into the érudition and scholarship, there are footnotes in the back--stealth footnotes without the little numbers nous-mêmes the book's pages, so as not to intimidate the general auditoire.

Regression to the Mean. (175) There will Lorsque random fluctuations in the quality of performance. A teacher who praises a randomly good record may shape behavior, fin likely will simply Quand disappointed as statistics asserts itself and a bad performance follows. A teacher who criticizes a bad record may incentivize, fin likely will simply have a false sense of causation when statistics asserts itself and a good record happens.

متأسفانه این فرایند عاقلانه در اوقاتی که به آن نیاز است، بسیار کم مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرد. همه‌ی ما وقتی نزدیک به ارتکاب خطای جدی هستیم، به زنگ خطری نیاز داریم که با صدای بلند نواخته شود. اما چنین زنگ خطری موجود نیست و خطاهای ذهنی، در کل، بسیار دشوارتر از خطاهای درکی تشخیص داده می‌شوند.

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